Vicky trained in stage management, worked in rep for a while and then spent 10 years with the BBC before deciding that theatre was her first love. With a young family she retrained as a teacher and worked for 10 years in the Performing Arts department of a Further Education college which is where her passion for inclusive practice began.

Vicky joined Mind the Gap theatre company, working as their Director of Learning and Skills before setting up a social enterprise, Purple Patch Arts which she co-led for 8 years, which delivered creative education to over 150 participants with learning disabilities and autism every week across Yorkshire. In 2016 she won the Trainer Award at the National Learning Disability and Autism Awards.

Vicky began audio describing in 2009, and now regularly describes for theatre, dance and art exhibitions, exploring both traditional and integrated ways of working, she most recently audio described the opening event for Leeds 2023.

In 2017 Vicky set up Totally Inclusive People and now works with lots of different creative organisations exploring accessible and inclusive ways to work.